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United Kingdom 

MI focuses on the British political and economic policies which are currently undergoing fundamental changes due to Brexit. In our research we explore how the outcome of the current Brexit negotiations can impact the future development of the British and European societies as well as the position of the UK globally. We also consider long-term cultural and historical developments which shape the modern British society today.


Middle East 

The Middle East is a diverse region which is home to multiple ethnic and religious groups, in a largely Arab and Iranian setting. The region has become important internationally through its vast hydrocarbon and oil resources. The Mayfair Institute will mainly focus on the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Israel, Turkey, Egypt and Arab Levant. In our research we will examine how the ongoing global developments such as climate change and technology shape the established oil nations in the Middle East. 


The Silk Road 

Having existed for centuries, the Silk Road was once the heart of the global trade. Nowadays, it represents a diverse region which is experiencing political and economic transformations in light of the collapse of the Soviet Union and growing influence of China. The Mayfair Institute will investigate the development of the region as well as its position in the world. We focus initially on the countries of Central Asia and Caucuses, such as Azerbaijan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

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